3rd International Conference CGRM

Climate risk and sustainability: emerging impacts and and future perspectives for the financial intermediares 

24 settembre 2021 - dead line 30 giugno 2021
Luogo evento
Copernico Repubblica, Rome

Financial regulation is a central part of economic stability. The impact of negative events caused by environmental and climate change can have significant consequences for the real economy and the financial system. This relevant impact has been affirmed several times by financial regulators and supervisors and has led to set objectives and encourage practices in line with Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues in order to push both financial and nonfinancial firms towards a sustainable and circular economic model.

This 3rd International Conference CGRM 2021 will provide a platform for academics and practitioners from different countries to analyze recent trends and upcoming challenges in corporate governance and risk management in financial institutions with a particular focus on their rule in promoting a sustainable economic growth model. 

The Scientific Committee encourages the widest possible participation of academics and practitioners, whose useful contributions might inspire discussions, comparisons and assessments of the overall state of research in the field of corporate governance and risk management in financial institutions.

Topics include, but are not restricted to:

Financial regulation and climate–related incentives: how green finance and policies may impact on real economy;
Responsible and sustainable bank lending;
Risk Governance: climate finance, climate risk assessment and hedging climate risks;
Corporate strategy and financial institutions performance;
Environmental disclosure and sustainability reporting;
ESG performance;
CSR and green finance.

For further information: Conference website

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